Saturday, September 19, 2009

Public Service Message

1. If you cough or sneeze, do it into a tissue...then throw it away where I won't have to see it.

2. Absent a tissue, do it into the crook of your arm. I know it looks a bit silly now -- but once we all figure it out, it will be quite the norm. Trust me. plus that way, when you keep typing on the PUBLIC keyboard in the hotel lobby your germy germs don't contaminate the keys for the next 6 to 8 HOURS!

3. Don't be offended if I don't shake your hand. I'm not just concerned about my own health. I spend many hours in large groups and on long flights and I have no idea what I may have already picked up or when.

4. Take care of yourself. If you do that and I do that, and we all do that, this will all be over soon.

Sadly, the people who need most to read this will never see it and the 2 or 3 folks who actually follow my blog are already smart and considerate folks.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Communication...or the lack thereof?

Are we becoming the most connected people in history or the least?

We - through our technology - can communicate with just about anyone, anytime, anywhere. But I fear that we are losing the humanity of it all.

If we are hanging out together, I'm going to be either talking with you or listening to you, or just silently enjoying your company.

I am NOT going to be tweeting, Facebooking, MySpacing or - God forbid! - talking to somebody else on my cellphone.


Because I was raised better than that. By parents who never even imagined the possibilities.

They taught me that the most important person in the moment is the person you are with.

And technology shouldn't change that.