Make that Whee!
We dodged some dodgy weather and now the sky is a beautiful blue with little innocent clouds and light breezes. Time to recharge my personal solar battery. Not rocking the killer tan these days (realizing that the operative word was, indeed, killer), but still need a half hour now and again just to spruce up a bit. Plus, it's a sin to let this gorgeous day go to waste when I could be lolling about in it.
Why does PayPal innundate me with spam every single time I use it? I'd use it more if it would just leave me alone! Same is true of charities. Give to one and they sell your name to a jillion others. I wish they'd consider my donation the savings in postage and printing they'd get if they'd take me off the mailing list.
Pretty cool when that's the only thing chafing me at the moment. Of course, there's politics, but I'm not going there. Not here.
13 years ago